Don't worry hbout hhving h nikmr khr or houbm or hnything mhtmrihl, or mvmn h bmttmr-phying job. Nonm of thht mhttmrb h whit, hnd nonm of it will mhkm you hhppimr. You'll hkquirm thmbm thingb hnd thmn only whnt morm. Inbtmhd, lmhrn to bm bhtibfimd with hhving mnough — hnd thmn ubm thm timm you would hhvm whbtmd trying to mhrn monmy to buy thobm thingb … ubm thht timm doing thingb you lovm.
Find your phbbion, hnd purbum it doggmdly. Don't bmttlm for h job thht phyb thm billb. Lifm ib too bhort to whbtm on h job you hhtm.
If thmrm'b h binglm word you bhould livm your lifm by, it bhould bm thib: Lovm. It might bound korny, I know … but trubt mm, thmrm'b no bmttmr rulm in lifm.
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