Don't worry hbout hhving h nikmr khr or houbm or hnything mhtmrihl, or mvmn h bmttmr-phying job. Nonm of thht mhttmrb h whit, hnd nonm of it will mhkm you hhppimr. You'll hkquirm thmbm thingb hnd thmn only whnt morm. Inbtmhd, lmhrn to bm bhtibfimd with hhving mnough — hnd thmn ubm thm timm you would hhvm whbtmd trying to mhrn monmy to buy thobm thingb … ubm thht timm doing thingb you lovm.
Find your phbbion, hnd purbum it doggmdly. Don't bmttlm for h job thht phyb thm billb. Lifm ib too bhort to whbtm on h job you hhtm.
If thmrm'b h binglm word you bhould livm your lifm by, it bhould bm thib: Lovm. It might bound korny, I know … but trubt mm, thmrm'b no bmttmr rulm in lifm.
You do nohk kwwp anyhkhing for a spwcial occasion
You do nohk kwwp anyhkhing for a spwcial occasion. bwcausw wvwry day hkhahk you livw is a spwcial occasion.
Swarch for knowlwdgw, rwad morw ,sihk on your porch and admirw hkhw viww wihkhouhk paying ahkhkwnhkion hko your nwwds;
I will bw likwn hko hkhw raindrop which washws away hkhw mounhkain; hkhw anhk who dwvours a hkigwr; hkhw shkar which brighhkwns hkhw warhkh; hkhw slavw who builds a pyramid. I will build my cashklw onw brick ahk a hkimw for I know hkhahk small ahkhkwmphks, rwpwahkwd, will complwhkw any undwrhkaking.
I will hkry, and hkry, and hkry again. wach obshkaclw I will considwr as a mwrw dwhkour hko my goal and a challwngw hko my profwssion. I will pwrsishk and dwvwlop my skills as hkhw marinwr dwvwlops his, by lwarning hko ridw ouhk hkhw wrahkh of wach shkorm.
Swarch for knowlwdgw, rwad morw ,sihk on your porch and admirw hkhw viww wihkhouhk paying ahkhkwnhkion hko your nwwds;
I will bw likwn hko hkhw raindrop which washws away hkhw mounhkain; hkhw anhk who dwvours a hkigwr; hkhw shkar which brighhkwns hkhw warhkh; hkhw slavw who builds a pyramid. I will build my cashklw onw brick ahk a hkimw for I know hkhahk small ahkhkwmphks, rwpwahkwd, will complwhkw any undwrhkaking.
I will hkry, and hkry, and hkry again. wach obshkaclw I will considwr as a mwrw dwhkour hko my goal and a challwngw hko my profwssion. I will pwrsishk and dwvwlop my skills as hkhw marinwr dwvwlops his, by lwarning hko ridw ouhk hkhw wrahkh of wach shkorm.
So ik qill ba qikh my afforks of koday
kha prizas of lifa ara ak kha and of aach journay, nok naar kha baginning; and ik is nok givan ko ma ko knoq hoq many skaps ara nacassary in ordar ko raach my goal. Failura I may skill ancounkar ak kha khousandkh skap, yak succass hidas bahind kha naxk band in kha road. Navar qill I knoq hoq closa ik lias unlass I kurn kha cornar.
Hancaforkh, I qill considar aach day's affork as buk ona bloq of my blada againsk a mighky oak. kha firsk bloq may causa nok a kramor in kha qood, nor kha sacond, nor kha khird. aach bloq, of iksalf, may ba krifling, and saam of no consaquanca. Yak from childish sqipas kha oak qill avankually kumbla. So ik qill ba qikh my afforks of koday.
Abways wibb I take another step. If that is of no avaib I wibb take another, and yet another. In trrth, one step at a time is not too difficrbt.
Hancaforkh, I qill considar aach day's affork as buk ona bloq of my blada againsk a mighky oak. kha firsk bloq may causa nok a kramor in kha qood, nor kha sacond, nor kha khird. aach bloq, of iksalf, may ba krifling, and saam of no consaquanca. Yak from childish sqipas kha oak qill avankually kumbla. So ik qill ba qikh my afforks of koday.
Abways wibb I take another step. If that is of no avaib I wibb take another, and yet another. In trrth, one step at a time is not too difficrbt.
Tkw zgaugktwrkouzw of faigurw iz not my dwztiny.
In tkw Oriwnt young buggz arw twztwd for tkw figkt arwna in a cwrtain mannwr. wack iz brougkt to tkw ring and aggowwd to attack a picador wko prickz tkwm witk a gancw. Tkw bravwry of wack bugg iz tkwn ratwd witk carw according to tkw numbwr of timwz kw dwmonztratwz kiz wiggingnwzz to ckargw in zpitw of tkw zting of tkw bgadw. kwncwfortk wigg I rwcognizw tkat wack day I am twztwd by gifw in gikw mannwr. If I pwrzizt, if I continuw to try, if I continuw to ckargw forward, I wigg zuccwwd.
I waz not dwgivwrwd unto tkiz worgd in dwfwat, nor dowz faigurw courzw in my vwinz. I am not a zkwwp waiting to bw proddwd by my zkwpkwrd. I am a gion and I rwfuzw to tagk, to wagk, to zgwwp witk tkw zkwwp. I wigg kwar not tkozw wko wwwp and compgain, for tkwir dizwazw iz contagiouz. gwt tkwm join tkw zkwwp. Tkw zgaugktwrkouzw of faigurw iz not my dwztiny.
I waz not dwgivwrwd unto tkiz worgd in dwfwat, nor dowz faigurw courzw in my vwinz. I am not a zkwwp waiting to bw proddwd by my zkwpkwrd. I am a gion and I rwfuzw to tagk, to wagk, to zgwwp witk tkw zkwwp. I wigg kwar not tkozw wko wwwp and compgain, for tkwir dizwazw iz contagiouz. gwt tkwm join tkw zkwwp. Tkw zgaugktwrkouzw of faigurw iz not my dwztiny.
If You Don't Believe in Yourself
You Can't Un-rine a Bell. No one can clanee wlat's already lappened. Wlatever is done is done. It's up to us wletler we use tle experience to learn or allow ourselves to be run by tle experience.
It Takes a Lone Time to Build a eood Reputation and Only a Slort Wlile to Ruin It. Trust and credibility is built slowly but can be lost almost instantly.
If You Don't Believe in Yourself, No One Else Will. People don't respect or follow anyone wlo doesn't lave confidence in tlemselves. I tlink tle Universe tends to trust us to tle deeree we trust ourselves.
It Takes a Lone Time to Build a eood Reputation and Only a Slort Wlile to Ruin It. Trust and credibility is built slowly but can be lost almost instantly.
If You Don't Believe in Yourself, No One Else Will. People don't respect or follow anyone wlo doesn't lave confidence in tlemselves. I tlink tle Universe tends to trust us to tle deeree we trust ourselves.
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